H & S Collections wanted to promote Vietnamese contemporary painting and its artists.
To achieve that purpose, we held a contest in 1996 for Contemporary Art in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). This was the first and probably the last painting contest held in Vietnam because at that time.
Waiting for the right opportunity to open a Museum in Brussels dedicated to Vietnamese contemporary painting, we created a website, the HS-Collections.com to share our passion with as many amateurs and art collectors as possible. This website is now principally dedicated to the archives of the contest.
After several years, we indeed succeeded to open a real Museum in Brussels. A new website was created. Please join the H&S Foundation http://hsfoundation.be/ to stay in touch with our recent activities and discover the collection.
As H&S Collection is comprising more than 170 artworks by 35 artists; all on view on this website; we are happy to share with you this link to a flipbook that features the core of the H&S Collection.